2nd Workshop
ngEHT History Philosophy Culture Working Group
16 May 2023
The History Philosophy Culture Working Group (HPC) of the next generation Event Horizon Telescope collaboration (ngEHT) is organizing another workshop on humanities & social science perspectives on the ngEHT collaboration. This workshop follows up on the 1st HPC Workshop in Feb-March 2022 and a dedicated responsible siting workshop in November 2022.
The 2nd HPC workshop takes places on the 16th of May 2023, and is in a hybrid format. It is possible to attend via Zoom, or physically at the Black Hole Initiative, Harvard, Boston. It is directly followed by the annual BHI conference (17-19 May).
If you are already on the HPC mailing list and want to attend via Zoom only, there is no need to register (as you will automatically receive the Zoom link). Please do register here by the 10th of May if you want to attend in person, or are not on the HPC mailing list (or both). There is a limited number of seats for in-person participants.
All times below are Eastern Time.
Duet Talk: Testing Gravity with Black Hole Imaging, Prashant Kocherlakota (BHI) & Jamee Elder (BHI)

In this session, Prashant Kocherlakota and Jamee Elder will be giving an experimental "duet" talk, where they discuss tests of gravity with the (ng)EHT from the complementary perspectives of fundamental physics and philosophy. Prashant will discuss how future measurements may place constraints on possible deviations from the Kerr metric of general relativity, and Jamee will follow this up with some philosophical reflections on the nature of theory testing in black hole astrophysics. Of particular interest for both will be the n=1 (and beyond) photon ring, and what we can learn by observing it.
Overview: One year of the collaborations focus group, Niels Martens (Utrecht)
Workshop: Authorship, Haixin Dang (Nebraska Omaha)
Workshop: Forecasting, Alexandru Marcoci (Cambridge)
Panel: First Steps in Telescope Siting - Questions, Community, and Collaboration

Dr Alejandro Lopez, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, National Scientific and Technical Research Council - Ethnoastronomy
Dr Katie Kamelamela, Arizona State University and the Global Discovery and Conservation Science Center - Ethnoecology, ecological restoration, Indigenous conceptions of wealth, and Indigenous economies.
Dr Arturo Gómez-Ruiz, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE) - Astrophysics and the history of astronomy in México
Dr Kālewa Correa, Smithsonian, Curator of Hawai'i and the Pacific at the Asian Pacific American Center - Mauna Kea and community responses to telescope construction
Dr Samantha Thompson, Smithsonian, Curator of the National Air and Space Museum - Mauna Kea and community responses to telescope construction
Dr Luis Reyes-Galindo, Wageningen University & Research - Sociology of Science, Sociology of Physics
Talk: GRMHD code comparisons project, Koushik Chatterjee (BHI)
Talk: (What) Do we learn from code comparisons? A case study of self-interacting dark matter implementations, Helen Meskhidze (Irvine)
Talk: Science communication of the GMVA image, Jonas Enander (ESO)
In case you have any questions, please contact n.c.m.martens[at]uu.nl.